Efficiently using Artillery in Hell Let Loose

Why this guide exists

Artillery is an incredibly effective tool in Hell Let Loose, but with great power comes great responsibility. As an experienced player, I see many people misusing artillery to the detriment (and annoyance) of their team. Here are some tips to help you use artillery in a way that benefits your team (and gets you a lot of kills in the process).

Understand the basics

  • Artillery uses your team munitions (visible in the map view, replenished by nodes from Engineers)
  • Artillery has a cooldown between shots
  • Artillery has a few meters spread, meaning your shots will most likely not land directly on your coordinates
  • Different teams have different measurements, which is why tools like EasyArty have team switchers
  • You can use both Smoke rounds and HE rounds. HE for killing, Smoke for blocking vision and helping your team advance.
  • Constantly use your map and right click to create a ping to line yourself up and check the distance.

Have a line of communication with the command chat

Many guides recommend having your own private channel so you can be a squad lead. This works, but I've been equally as impactful in another role with a good squad lead proxying information to me.

Know where the enemy is before you shoot

As you play Hell Let Loose, you'll gain an understanding of how to read the map and predict where the enemy is. Use this knowledge. See where blueberries are going down, and use your squad and command chat to confirm enemy positions.

Sometimes you need to just help your team

If you play enough artillery, you'll often be racking up kills while your team isn't advancing. This is when you need to switch to smoke or stop using artillery because you're just wasting resources. Individual kills and stats don't matter in HLL, it's all about your sides progress.

Defending against enemy recon

If you do a good job, you'll be in a game-long personal war against the enemies recon squads (until they give up, which is a great feeling). Like much of the game, the best way to improve against enemy recons is to play as a recon yourself and learn how they think. My biggest tip is be persistent once they show up, and make sure you take our their OPs. Then they'll need to trek back to you, granting you some peace and them some frustration. Do this enough and they'll usually give up.